Mature Buck Strategies

increasing daytime trail cam

5 Tips For Increasing Daytime Trail Cam Pics

What's the best tip for increasing daytime trail cam pics of giant bucks? Don't hunt or step foot on your land, during the hunting season.

use a deer waterhole

How To Use A Deer Waterhole To Anchor Buck Movement

When whitetails are bedding dry and traveling to or from food, using a deer waterhole to anchor buck movement can pay huge rewards during the entire hunting season. The perfect waterhole setup takes a little planning and lot of hard work, but several bow stands at once, can often be enhanced.


Summer Scouting Strategy For Fall Bucks

What if I told you that there was a Summer scouting strategy that you could apply now, to accurately practice and use for your Fall buck pursuits? Well you are in luck, because there IS! I am excited to reveal to you that I have used this scouting method since the late 80s to create over 80% of my total buck harvests.​


Deer Blind Strategies for High Pressure States

It's time to make sure your deer blind strategies include more than just buying a great blind and setting it up in the middle of your favorite food plot.

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Target Buck Success By Trail Cam

While there is an enormous amount of hunting strategy that went into the level of target buck success that we experienced in the Fall of 2016, it all began with our pre-season trail cam strategy. There are several key points throughout the years, that have combined to refine my approach for the harvest of dozens of target bucks.

Habitat Day

Advanced Whitetail Strategy Event

Are you a whitetail hunting and habitat nut? Then this is a can't miss opportunity for you to experience first-hand, advanced whitetail strategies that have been 3 decades in the making. Most importantly, you will learn how to apply those proven strategies specifically to your own habitat and hunt, no matter where you live.

trail cam tip

#1 Trail Camera Tip For Whitetails

What is the #1 trail camera tip? Trail cams have the potential to allow you to secretly capture a glimpse into the daily life of even the most reclusive old buck. With that in mind, the #1 trail cam tip is to make sure that you don't get caught!

build a better deer

How To Build A Better Deer Trap

Building a better deer trap takes a lot of hard work and experience. While it can take many years to gain the knowledge for creating high quality deer habitat and the deer hunting setups that follow, I have found you can find success quickly by recognizing the strategy of using the common mouse trap.​

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Mock Scrape Myth Tips

Mock scrapes can be excellent tools for defining deer movement, but one common myth many hunters believe is that more mock scrapes is better. Here are a few tips and things to consider when creating your next mock scrape.

precision buck hunting

Precision Buck Hunting System For Advanced Deer Habitat

The following precision buck hunting system has provided target buck opportunities to me at a success rate of over 85%, since the early 90s - on both private AND public lands! Can you imagine what happens when advanced habitat improvement practices are added to the entire system?

how to hunt bucks

How To Hunt Bucks On Your Neighbor's Land

Think you can't hunt bucks that spend nearly all their time on your neighbor's lands? Think again! Not only can you hunt bucks on your neighbor's land -without tresspassing- you can actually harvest those bucks pretty consistently, and here is how!

shooter bucks

Hunting Strategies For Future Shooter Bucks

Did you have any future shooter bucks that you passed last year? Middle-aged bucks present a huge amount of opportunity when it comes to narrowing down a solid plan of attack for the coming seasons! Why? Because, next year's shooter buck has most likely already told you where he will be.