Jeff's Deer Blog

Deer Hunting Thermals 101
If you are deer hunting hills this season, you need to understand the basics of both morning and evening thermals...

2020 Ultimate No Till Food Plot Prep
My Ultimate No Till food plot system begins with a weed free food plot seed bed before adding a layer of buckwheat at 50 pounds per acre...

Youth Deer Hunting Season Rant
The fact that we have to have a youth season, says a lot about our current state of deer hunting across the Country. While I do not disagree with designated youth hunts, why do we even need them?

Spooking Bucks While Deer Hunting | Why Worry?
I worry about, you worry about and all deer hunters should worry about spooking bucks!

Best Food For Whitetails (Hint: Not Ag)
If your goal is to provide the best food for whitetails during the hours of daylight, then ag land is bad when it comes to deer habitat in general, let alone for daily food sources...

How To Manage Timber For Wildlife TSI
Managing your timber for wildlife and managing your timber for money, require 2 very different sets of timber management practices.

Do You Have Too Many Does?
It's fairly easy to raise or lower deer populations however, population control begins WELL before deer season...

Understanding Social Distancing For Better Deer Hunting
In a time of mandated social distancing for humans and hunters alike, it is important to understand how whitetails have been practicing social distance since their existence...

How To Frost Seed Food Plots And Switchgrass
When to frost seed, how to frost seed and why to frost seed clover, switchgrass and brassicas can be found in this video. Do you need to frost seed your food plots or grass plantings this year! then make sure to follow these decades proven frost seeding techniques...

Should You Add A Deer Waterhole Where You Hunt?
Adding water for deer can be as simple as buying a 100 gallon water tank from the local TSC and grabbing a shovel...

ACT NOW - Bad Deer Hunting Regs Update
It is up to you to comment about the new bad deer hunting regulation proposals that are being considered for WI. With Covid-19 changing our way of life, it is even more important that our deer hunting way of life is NOT!

How to Fight Off Bully Bucks with Food Plots
The bully buck is not the problem. instead, the alignment and diversity of your food plots create the condition for fewer bucks...