"I had my nine year old son (Davis) with me during our visit. He has been working on the land and hunting deer and turkey with us for two years. Jeff was incredibly patient and went out of his way to involve my son, pointing different things out not just to us, but specifically to him. I feel very fortunate to have been on this trip, and when I see my son taking all of this information in, I feel like it potentially has given my nine year old a 20 year jumpstart on understanding deer and their habits.
I cant imagine there are a lot of people in this field like Jeff. His laid back demeanor and insightful knowledge are the perfect blend for those of you out there who are working to establish the perfect deer environment.
There were times that Jeff explained stuff to us where my hunting partner Mike and I just looked at each other with stupid grins. We were both thinking the same thing Wow, why didnt we ever think of that? I want to make sure I qualify this. Mike and I are not greenhorns when it comes to deer hunting. We have both been hunting deer around 25 years each, and often shoot 3 or 4 deer each in a year (yes, we practice QDM those are mostly does!). There were times where he would walk into the thickest areas of the property; frankly, places where we have never bothered to go unless we were tracking a deer, and because of his efforts, he was able to put the total picture of this property together. Jeff pointed things out with great explanation that Mike and I have debated literally for 20 years!! He connected the dots for us!!
Jeffs approach to making your deer herd feel secure in their surroundings and keeping them on your property with the appropriate structure and food is rock solid. His approach to how you hunt them and stay unnoticed is brilliant. We are implementing everything that he has suggested over the course of the next year or two.
I have a feeling we couldve sat and talked about our strategies until midnight and he would not have budged from his seat. He truly cared that we got everything possible out of our visit with him, and he wasnt going to be done until every last question we had was answered.
If there is ever a time that Jeff is in my neck of the woods, he has an open invite for dinner. Great guy, great experience, and an invaluable experience for my son and me. Thanks Jeff!!"
-Alpena, MI
Northern MI Small Parcel Whitetail Success
What a great day in the woods with Matt, Davis and Mike! Northeast lower MI isn't known for small parcel whitetail success with giant bucks, but these guys have made their land work extremely well despite the odds against them. During the walk it was great to have Matt's son Davis along, and even taking the time to poke our heads inside what appeared to be bear's den. Fun times, great folks and I couldn't be happier about the success that followed!