Habitat and Herd Improvement

Establishing Whitetail Lines of Movement

I often teach my clients to use longs lines of food and cover to draw deer out of high quality bedding cover, across stand locations, and into large open food sources where they feel safe. By using a combination of screening grasses, native regeneration, and long lines of various food plot combinations you can establish these movements from late summer through the months of winter.

whitetail lines of movement
*August, 2012 looking west

In the example above and below my client used native regeneration, Egyptian wheat, brassicas, and soybeans to offer a great combination of food and cover to pull deer past a high quality stand location, and into the center of his ag land that he is in the process of converting to a combination of a high quality food and cover.

whitetail lines of movement
*July, 2013 looking east

Every parcel is different, as are the combinations of appropriate food and cover options, but a common theme among the parcel designs that I find are the most effective, include various similar lines of movement opportunity.

whitetail lines of movement


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